no me lo puedo creer

miércoles, marzo 01, 2006

my new flashlight!!

yeah, i know... i might sound like a kid with a new toy, but seriously, this flashlight is so cool!, this flashlight is waterproof, anti-shock, and doesn't need batteries, it transforms the mechanic energy, into electricity :D wanna know how does it work?, oh well, i know you don't, but i'm gonna tell you anyway.
the mechanism of this flashlight consists of a bobbin or reel made of copperthreads, like the ones in electric motors, to store the electricity, wich is caused by a magent that passes by the middle of it, when you shake the flashlight, the magnet goes up and down and it passes by the bobbin/reel, that movement, causes an electromagnetic flow that is storaged in the bobbin/reel for when you want to use the flashlight, if the electricity storaged runs out, you just have to shake the flashlight again ;)
aaaah, i knew my physics classes were worth for smthg :P
well, besides that i don't have anything else to say, i've tried to show you a pic of my dandy new flashlight, but it doesn't let me to upload it... oh well... i'll try next time :P


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