no me lo puedo creer

domingo, junio 24, 2007

computer upgrades

yup, believe it or not but that HUMONGOUS thing you have up there is a hard disk, scary right??? TYJ that nowadays they make them super small and we can have laptops! but it's so funny how even though the most advanced technology is so stoneage compared to the one they have in the spiritual realm and wich we have been granted access and control to it! just think about thought travel, and mental power to really move things, to fly, that is really high tech, not what we have here on earth :P it really is amazing, TYJ for availing us with the most powerful technology ever! the spiritual weapons ROCK! and also for making the best and biggest hard drive ever, our brain! nothing can compare to Your creation Lord :D

but anyway, back to the topic, i finally upgraded my laptop's hard disk, been waiting for the holidays to do this for a loong time, TYJ that the exams and the studying is over!! now i can have some more free time or myself and my friends :D
so as i was saying, i recently got to upgrade my laptop's hard disk, it was starting to get small with all the music i have in here and the data and the downloads etc etc, so i decided to put a 120 gb hard disk, another imrpoovement is that this one runs at 5400 rpm, while the previous one only did at 4200, nice improovement i must say, but that's not all, my old hard disk was not put in a shelf to get covered in dust no, it was used to upgrade my sister's laptop, her previous hard disk was a laughable 40 gigs, now she has a decent sized 80 gigs hard disk, quite the improovement for her :D she's happy with the change, now no one will laugh at her computer :P (that goes for you prem!) but Ely's old hard disk was not put in a shelf eather, i bought a hard disk case to convert it into an external USB hard disk, so inow have 160 gigabytes to fill!! anyone wants to send me anything? :D now is the time!

oh, i also got to learn how to make hard disk images and pass them from one computer to another, really spiffy, and my brother in law Jan, gave me this utilites bot disk that is like the swiss knife of camputer techs, it's the Hiren's boot cd, full of tools to almost do any conceivable tweak, repair or upgrade conceivable, i highly recommend it, if you want a copy of it, please do write me and i'll send it to you ;) here i give you a link to give a look to all the utilities it has: i have to igg deeper into ti though to learn how to use them all, i'm sure it will come handy some other time ;)


  • Good stuff, Santi!
    How does one get this utilities boot disk...?? :)

    You need to check your spelling on the last paragraph...just thought you'd wanna know...

    Take care!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:01 a. m.  

  • damn it man! update! I want to know some stuff, otherwise I have no idea who you are! you have three options...


    and it's all because I still love you! :*

    By Blogger anna, at 7:33 a. m.  

  • I feel that an update is essential

    By Blogger Lisa, at 6:46 p. m.  

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