no me lo puedo creer

jueves, febrero 23, 2006

due to a ladie's request

Due to a lady's request
i must embark in a quest
write an entry is the test
wich i find to be no jest......

HAHAHAHA! well, so here i am, like the poem says, i'm writing this entry due to a fair lady's request, she has urged me today to write more often on my blog, and i promise by my honour of gentleman, that i'll write more often.
things have gone well, but today i got really really bored.... i just don't wanna study any more!!! but exams are near, and i must give a little push, to get the priced rest that will come after the storm. i just talked with Steve in Ireland, he's gonna discuss with the home tonight wether they come by mid march and drop us a visit or not, but i think chances are high that he will come with his daughter Rachel, and someone other friends Lord Willingly, at least to say goodbye before i go to Mexico, YAY!! we're gonna have a great time, witnessing, visiting important monumental cities, see castles, see waterfalls, go skiing, have walks in the forests, oh! and it's gonna be the time when the cherry tree is gonna bloom, and the whole valley where we're gonna stay is gonna turn white due to it beeing full of the little white flowers on the cherry trees, it really is an amazing sight, people all over Spain come to see it, i'll post a picture of that when we come back.
and about Mexico, well, i really can't wait to go back there!! at last! after 2 years waiting to return, looks like the Lord will keep His promise (like He always does) and i'll stay there in a home and become FD :D TYJ!!! we'll go most probably in May or June, and visit some homes and then stay in one, may the Lord guide us to the best one.

hmmm i guess this is all for now... oh no! wait, this sunday we're gonna go to visit a convent of nuns in closure. looks like there is beeing a revolution of the spirit!!! it's full of new nuns, they are over 100 now! all spanish with vocation, who have decided to dedicate their lives to Jesus due to the lack of purpose in this world, they are women with important carrers, who had important jobs but left it all for Him, aint that wonderful?, and they make music and sing songs, so we're gonna buy one of their cd's and talk with them, and i might sing some of our wonderful family music to them too :P oh! and have i already said that in this convents they make delicious sweets, buns, and other desserts? :D they sell them too to pay the bills. anyway, i think it's gonna be a great time over there and an interesting experience to know them.

well, my mom has already told me to go, i still have to clean the kitchen and after that go to sleep and read some word before that, so if i wanna sleep my 8 hours, i'd better go now!!
i hope you're happy Joan :P
big hug for you!

jueves, febrero 02, 2006

tips for making effective prayers

not so long agowhile having my wordtime, i came across this list of tips and things you can do in order to make an effective full of power prayer that really can work out miracles! i for one have been the witness of one last week because of a prayer that i made following this lines, so i can proove it's accuracy and effectiveness :) . it all happened one friday while i was chatting with my friends, and suddenly one of them got online, started to talk with her, and she told me that she was suffering right at that moment from severe stomach aches, she also told me that she had been suffering from them every evening for several days in a row, none at her house knew what it could be, and she hadn't gone to the doctor yet, so i asked her if she wanted to pray right there and then with me for the Lord to heal her, wich she agreed to do, and we prayed a wonderful prayer (with the help of my spirit helpers, otherwise i wouldn't have been able to make it) following the guidelines i was talking about, and asking specifically that she should be healed for next day, wich was saturday. next day i talked again with her in the evening and she told me that she was no longer having the pain! wich was a complete miracle and a real faith builder ;) Prayer really works! i spent a loooong time that day praising the Lord for everything that came to my mind and specially for having worked the miracle through my prayer :D Praise The Lord! he's the best out of the best.
anyway, here comes the list of tips in order to make effective prayers:

"Here are some key elements to becoming more effective in prayer:
• Focus. Learn to focus your prayers. See the obstacle and claim the miracle you desire in order to destroy it.
• Be specific in what you pray for, and what you want to see happen.
• Faith. You need faith to believe that the Lord will do the miracles you are requesting, and you get that faith through His Word, by being strengthened by the promises He's given in His Word.
• The keys. When you use the keys in your prayers you are combining two powerful spiritual weapons against the Enemy; you are defying the seeming impossibility.
• Stand on God's promises. Even when you don't see the immediate results of your prayers, as you stand firm on the promises the Lord has given you, and keep sending prayers in that direction, you stir God's hand to action to work on your behalf."

enjoy and use them on every prayer that you make and see the results! there have been more results to my prayers recently due to this list :D