no me lo puedo creer

sábado, febrero 24, 2007


yeah, you heard well, i'm still alive, i'm not dead, nor in the mental hospital (yet), nor did a green hipopotamus squash me in the bathtub or a drunk grizzly run over me in his pick up truck on the subway....
anyway, so the main point i was trying to bring out is that the reason why i haven't updated my blog, nor have you seen me on that much lately is because i've been pretty busy studying, and will keep beeing so till the second week of march when i've had my exams. i really need to press on if i want to pass them...
i wanted to ask you all who faithfully check my blog if you could all please pray for the exams... they are important, and i need to pass them all, puss plus i need to make another exam of philosophy to pass last trimester's exam wich i failed... :( all in al, please, hold me up in your prayers the days 5th, 6th and 7th of March, i'll need each and every of your prayers.

i have to run now! sorry!!
i love you all!
big hug, from Santi

miércoles, febrero 07, 2007


"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
Matthew 6:24

This morning i was having some praise time and these thoughts came to my mind that i wanted to share with you.

I was thinking of how Jesus is so much like a portable heater, He is the one that keeps our heart warm with love, the one that keep us alive in the midst of this old and cold world. He is like a portable heater that doesn't need any batteries or be connected to the electricity, and that we strap around ourselves just for the sake of keeping alive! of not getting frozen dead when we go out there and we walk around in the world. just picture it, spiritually the world nowadays has turned like in the movie "the day after tomorrow", everything is freezing and the hearts of people are becoming old, as hard as stones and as cold as ice, the spiritual atmosphere is growing so cold, where is the love? so in order for us to survive, to keep a warm tender, and moldable heart we must strap the portable heater around us that will fill us with the warmth of His love, and keep us hot, young and vibrant in the spirit so that the cold wont affect us and we'll be able to touch and melt the hearts of those around us that we get to meet. and the closer we grow to the Lord, the more we praise Him the more we talk with Him, the more we BECOME ONEWITH HIM in mind, soul, body and spirit, the portable heater, instead of just keeping us alive, will turn into torches, nay, flame throwers! that can bring back to life the cold stony spirits of those passing by in the road of our lives, they'll be able to see that there is a difference, wherever u step, the ice melts, the sun shines again, and flowers and green grass start to grow at your step. they'll see that you have something that they don't, that you're different, radical let's say, you've got the raw power, the fire from God burning inside your heart, and at the touch of that warmth they can only do two things, one, embrace it like a child finding a new toy, like a lover embraces his loved one after beeing separate for a time, and get infused with the spirit and become bearers of that warm love from above, or they'll shun it, hate it, and run away from it. there are only two options, no lukewarms, or either you're hot and vibrant with His spirit, or you're stony cold, there are no shades of gray, just black and white.
There is a spiritual war beeing waged over the earth, and there are just 2 sides, the hot, vibrant, pure and radical truth of the Lord's side, or the stony cold chilly winds that run free around the earth of the enemy's side, that try to suck out the life from you, the flame inside your heart.

"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Revelations 3:15,16

so, are you one of His flame throwers? are you giving your life to the full for Him? are you a disciple? don't let that old punk take your flame away! become a flame thrower, make him turn around and run the way he came from and burn his ass with the Word of God, and the Truths of His Spirit. Lets spread the love and the word of God and cause a wild and rampant fire that will burn throughout the earth, melting the ice and bringing back to life the spirits of those enslaved by him and his cold winds!
will you join us in our quest? keep the flame alive!

"Are you a disciple for Jesus?, or a part time missionary, or a social worker, or a christian english teacher, or just a cool dude?, how would you describe yourself?"

"Be willing to be labeled as narrow minded for believing what He says. Be willing to be revolutionary and do or die, determined to believe the beliefs of the Word and hold to them. Find your calling and stick to it, live and die for the Lord, the revolutionary wild hot truths of the Word that you've barely known, open yourself up to it and you'll see what it really is all about, then you'll taste the freedoms of the spirit, and you'll be moved to give your whole life to Him. Then it wont be a strugle to serve Him, but a joy."

"Where are the leaders, where are the ones who are willing to break away from the crowd and be diferent. Where are you, young leaders who are willing to break away from the system that lures you, and puts you to sleep. Where are those of you who want to be different from all the millions?"

"It is dying daily for the cause of Christ that makes our revolution different"

martes, febrero 06, 2007

wear your ring in public!

hello my beloved friends, here i am once again, sorry for haing taken so long in writing anything more... but studies are tough and the only time i have left of the day i have been spending it with you on chat. ok, i know... i haven't been able to talk with all (don't point your finger at me Anj! i'm going to have a long and deep conversation with you soon :P i have it scheduled)
so, not much has been happening worth mentioning but i have decided to post this thing i have read some time ago in the blog of a dear friend of mine, hope it's encouraging to you all, and pray for me and my studies! i need it. oh, and i wanted to say a public Tx to Cel for letting me put the story up :) LY! keep on going for the Lord!

"Picture it: a guy gets up the courage to ask his girl to marry him. She whole heartedly agrees and cannot wait until her wedding day-the day she has been looking forward to ever since she was a small girl! Her new husband-to-be slides a gorgeous ring onto her finger and she knows she has never been happier in all her life.
Now picture this: the sweet young couple have been invited out to a friend’s party. The guy drives over to the girl’s house to pick her up, she gets into the passenger seat and they start driving. Soon the guy notices that she is trying to yank the ring off her finger. “What on earth are you doing?” he askes her with a funny grin. She seems a little embarrassed and mumbles something quietly. “Is the ring not good enough?” he jokes, and then immediatly notices that there are tears in her eyes.
“Don’t be mad at me!” she says, “Please understand! I do love you, I really do! And I’ll wear your ring when we are both together, but I don’t want to wear it out in public. My friends…they…just don’t think you’re cool. I don’t want them to think I am weird.”

Hmm. Unusual, huh? What kind of a girl would only wear her ring around the man she is to marry? She should be so proud of it!The same way it is for us as Christians. There is simply no way we can be “Sunday” Christians, it’s all or nothing."

so, are YOU wearing your RING in PUBLIC?

woah! awesome huh? it pictures so well the relationship we should have with Him the one who matters the most to all of us :) i know almost everyone of you are already wearing your ring in public or are at least doing a big effort to do it and you're working on it, but just wanted to send a reminder, we should be proud of having Him as hour Husband! He's the best lover ever!